First Blog in my LIFE? !
Sharon Ho having a blog? Unexpected yeah? Can't believe? HAHA. Even myself couldn't believe not to say you :) Since my blog have born, I will try my best to update whenever I can. I enjoyed reading people blog when I'm free. Blog could share many things in your life to your friends and also a memory for ourselves to see in the future. It could flashback everything that happened in our life. Due to some reason, got influenced by reading friends blog so I decided to have one. Besides, I know nothing for the design and blog skin. Yes, I know I'm sucked at it, so just bear with it. HAHA. Hope people would enjoy reading my blog too.
Currently having school preliminary exam and today is just the first day :)
The little Eiffel tower would be the picture of the day. NIghts people. Have a nice day.
First of all, good to hear that you got yourself a blog, then next nice picture of the day.. And don't think too much about the skins/themes of the blog and also dont think if you're not good at blog posting and fear others might laugh. Even with a simple theme and a unique content(which is your style), you'd impressed and interest many people in reading your blog. :)